Wednesday, June 4, 2014

More Flowers for Mother

Mother is close today, as my brother in Louisiana has just sold her house----lessons in letting go abounding for me, especially since I have been "helping" from afar (the quotes are ironic, since I'm certain this is how my brother feels about my part in the matter, as I am in California and he is there). 

And so this bouquet of Cecile Brunner roses, from a bush that blooms profusely by our front door, commemorates this day's event, as does the first blossom from the Double Delight that Jon and I planted in our front yard when we returned home from Mother's funeral. This rose was Mother's favorite, in part because it was my namesake-niece's favorite (and she left this world at fifteen). And so, flowers remind us, naturally, of the fleeting nature of beauty, of our lives. 


  1. What a beautiful way to commemorate your mother in your heart. Such a soft, loving gesture, and such beautiful roses!

    1. Aren't they lovely, Christine----and the scent, too! Thanks for coming by, especially since I'm so infrequently "home" these days. ;-)

  2. Beautiful roses--lovely ritual. Glad to hear the news of the sale, as these kinds of transactions can linger long after the death of a loved one. I remember all that Tom and Linda had to take care of after their father died, lots of upkeep issues and renters (and the work THAT entailed, as Tom had to travel long distance to take care of issues) until the house finally sold.

    1. Yes. . . We both chose convenience over profit in letting go of the house (and felt fortunate that someone was interested!). There's more to do, but it can wait; an empty house felt more like a losing proposition (with some of the issues you mention), so it had more urgency than does the land that remains.
